Statistics totals :

2,407,185,666 requests since 2015 and is used in 156 countries !

Name of the request Number of uses
Server information 39,244,600
Server status 422,754
Number of online players 674,821,332
Maximum number of players allowed 136,622,352
Message of the day (MOTD [IN COLOUR]) 771,280,474
Server response time 61,888,179
Server favicon 22
Server version 18,484,166
Name of the request Number of uses
Server information 2,058,126
Host name of the server 2,194
Number of online players 400,627,304
Maximum number of players allowed 104,029,206
Message of the day (MOTD [IN COLOUR]) Replaced by the "PING" protocol ! 1
Server status Replaced by the "PING" protocol ! 1
List of connected players 1
Server version 21,976,479
Name of the request Number of uses
Player's head 32,502,022
Player skin 391,339
Name of the request Number of uses
Get the UUID with the player's nickname 40,128,696
Obtaining the player's nickname with the UUID 102,372,514
Name of the request Number of uses
Achivements 333,904