Name of the request | Number of uses |
Server information | 36,991,262 |
Server status | 422,651 |
Number of online players | 673,337,071 |
Maximum number of players allowed | 136,619,189 |
Message of the day (MOTD [IN COLOUR]) | 771,280,455 |
Server response time | 61,885,514 |
Server favicon | 3 |
Server version | 17,874,252 |
Name of the request | Number of uses |
Server information | 2,058,101 |
Host name of the server | 2,193 |
Number of online players | 398,797,564 |
Maximum number of players allowed | 103,776,048 |
Message of the day (MOTD [IN COLOUR]) Replaced by the "PING" protocol ! | 1 |
Server status Replaced by the "PING" protocol ! | 1 |
List of connected players | 1 |
Server version | 21,976,474 |
Name of the request | Number of uses |
Player's head | 32,409,318 |
Player skin | 384,044 |
Name of the request | Number of uses |
Get the UUID with the player's nickname | 39,088,170 |
Obtaining the player's nickname with the UUID | 102,368,051 |
Name of the request | Number of uses |
Achivements | 319,554 |